
We’re still processing thousands of samples and recovering from our “cryo monster tour” or “fieldwork marathon” as others have described our summer’s projects across the Arctic and Alps. It’s won awards and for once, not just for most airline coffee consumed, excess baggage hauled or receipts filed for expenses.

Here’s a report of what we got up to, courtesy of MoBio Inc.

and a video too, courtesy of the very talented (not least as the camera didn’t break!) film-maker Sara Penrhyn Jones

It’s not over yet though. I’m gearing up to go south in December in collaboration with the Natural History Museum to South Georgia and the Falkland Islands to conduct projects funded by National Geographic and the Shackleton Fund. Time to haul more excess baggage etc…

About Aber Cryoconite

Senior Lecturer in Microbiology at Aberystwyth University, Wales, UK. Research interest: polar and alpine microbiology. Views my own.
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